A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month.

Feeling the pinch AND the punch on the 1st Day of March.
I woke up this morning and decided it was time to tackle the other BINGE! area in my life: SPENDING BEYOND MY MEANS. Above is a perfect example of silly spending. Beautiful — but could I afford it? Nope. So, goodbye Rooster!
I have a very large sum of debt I am paying off slowly but steadily. I know I am not alone in this. But sometimes, I just get a little bit carried away — targeted marketing is tempting you too much BINGE!. It’s not excessive (yet!) but it could have the potential to be. Therefore, a new rule has to be added (I got carried away the other day with KIEHLS skincare).
2 items of luxury personal expenditure per month (this includes clothes, skincare, perfume — it excludes necessities like toothpaste etc)

I’m starting to really love Rainbow Two! Let’s see how this rule sits next to the rest.
SO, if you’re feeling the pinch and the punch of your debt this month, try this! What will your rule of 2 be?